Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sex through the Zodiac

is scheduled to be published on Friday, January 23rd with Ravenous Romance. For some of you that don't recall, or are new to my blog, I pitched my story idea to Lori Perkins from Ravenous late October of last year. She liked it. I was on cloud nine. I had a deadline. I went into shock. And then I wrote a rather large amount of words in a rather short amount of time. Sex through the Zodiac is twelve interlinking stories of one woman's New Year's resolution to have sex with each sun sign in one year. And because of the story's length (just under 50K), it's considered a novel.

I'm going on a mini tour with Sex through the Zodiac: first stop is The Literary Cafe on Saturday night. I'm being interviewed by none other than Richard Trainer. Dick is known for his crass and crazy interviewing antics. Mr. Trainer has mentioned to me that he's a little intimidated by the fact that I write erotica. I'm intimidated by his mustache. It should be fun. I will link the videotaped episode at a later date for all to watch and listen in proper voyeur form.

Next stop will be a reading at Visible Voice bookstore on February 14th. I'm in tandem at this event with my friend Brian Pierce, who just happens to be a phenomenal erotic artist. Staying with the voyeur theme, customers can view Brian's work, while listening to me read. I think it's a brilliant way for singles, couples, or menage a many to enjoy lover's day.

I'm an urban dweller. I like to shake things up in the burbs when I can. Thus, my plan to read at River Gallery, which is located in the conservative west side suburb of Rocky River. Ara, the gallery owner is organizing other erotic artists to display their work while I read for an evening. There hasn't been an official date set yet, but I'll keep everyone posted when that occurs.

Thank you for your constant support. I appreciate your thoughts, your time and your love of eroticism.

Zodiac sun sign - Scorpio
Neve Black


Anonymous said...

How exciting -- congratulations!!! Have a fabulous time with all your promotional events!


Neve Black said...

Hi Emerald,
Thank you.

I'm looking forward to people's reactions at the readings. It should be interesting.

Jeremy Edwards said...

Wow, I'm really impressed with all the promo you have set up—way to go!

I bet you're the "on fire" type as a public speaker. I can't wait for the VIDEO!!

Neve Black said...

Thank you so much for saying that. I gotta tell you, I don't know what the hell I'm doing - I'm accepting promotional opportunities as they come... my way.

I wish all of you could be there with me on Saturday to laugh, drink shots of tequila and chime in and make comments.

p.s. My moon (not kidding) is in Aries, which is fire...I'm really rather a shy person though: forced to extrovert to survive in the business world. You?

Jeremy Edwards said...

Well, I've been called a lot of things,* but I admit that "shy" isn't one of them. I'm not boasting about this, mind you—I'm just owning my identity as a limelight-crazed chimp. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go put more glitter on my banana. : )

*I've even been called sconswe—by the word verification robot, just now.

Neve Black said...

I love the fact that you love the limelight. You handsome monkey, you! I tend to try and stay below radar as much as possible. I'm the one at the bar, with a friend or two, talking and laughing quietly, while listening intently and taking copious notes.

Sconswe? Bless you. :-)