Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Please forgive my interruption of the Blow Hard Tour and Swing Tour, but I need to make the following announcement: My new website, is up and running! I'll be transitioning over to this new site and home to my new blog:

Okay, carry on with the cock sucking and swinging activities!

Neve Black


Jeremy Edwards said...

Congratulations, and bon blog voyage!

I'll be updating my blogroll to reflect your new location any minute now. So far I haven't been able to navigate past the images. And by that I don't mean that there's a technical problem with your site or my browser or anything ... ; )

Donna said...

Wow, your new website is AWESOME. Very sexy and classy. I've updated my blog roll, too.

Just in time for the Swing! tour, too.

Neve Black said...

You always put a smile on my face. Thank you.

I (heart) you. :-)

neve black said...

test message.

Sommer Marsden said...

i came here to say something but am looking at that tush. whew. what? gonna go see your site. :)
swear to god: spliperr is my word. i think the word ver wants a blow job too. ;)

neve black said...

Sommer, I think everyone wants a blow job since the tour began...and yeah, you can count me into that list. :-)

neve black said...
