Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm in the middle of a lot of different things right now. One of those things is writing a short story for a submission. say that I've been struggling with the plot, would be understating things.

Today, after a nice diversion of going for a long run, I was making my way back home when a bolt of inspiration came down from the erotica Gods and Godesses above and whispered (erotica whisperers?) into my ear how to make the story work. Thank you Erotic Inspirational Gods.

As if the erotica whisperes weren't enough for one writer today, I then came home to find my friend Lois had slid pictures into my e-mail box of our trip to Italy last Fall. Be still my inspired heart and soul.

That's me sitting outside a church; the view of browns, reds and yellows found in a box of Italian Crayola crayons are the Tuscan hills in front of me. I'm writing notes while speaking Italian mew-meow to the cat. Fabulous.

Truly inspired,
Neve Black


Donna said...

Getting that blood pumping and gorgeous art-like photos are great ways to connect with the creative spirit. I actually wrote some new fiction today, too. It's been a long time and it feels great! Glad you're having a creative day, too.

Neve Black said...

Hi Donna,
Good for you! It does feel great! I thought I'd lost my MOJO. Whew. I'm glad it was only a temporary misplacement.

Emerald said...

What a lovely picture!! Was it just a stray cat wandering around? How delightful! I'm going to go back and stare at it some more. :)

Neve Black said...

Hi Emerald!
I think the cat told me in Italian that he took up residence at the church. He was very comfortable that day. I guess I would be too if my view were those olive, grape and sunflower lined hills, no?

Thanks for stopping and staring.

Erobintica said...

That looks so lovely - curtains and cat and view.

like my spamword


EllaRegina said...

Lovely picture! (Great image of the Italian Crayola box!) And, ain't those inspirational lightning bolts fun! :-)

Emerald said...

"I guess I would be too if my view were those olive, grape and sunflower lined hills, no?"

Fair enough! I don't know what it is about that picture, but it just captivates me...

Janine Ashbless said...

Oh, that looks fantastic! I hope that setting has inspired a story too... My holidays always do.

Neve Black said...

Robin, EllaR, Emerald and Janine,
Thank you all for stopping and commenting. The Tuscan region is really quite lovely. For anyone that's interested, I found a link with a better picture of that church:

We stayed in a gorgeous (Better Homes and Gardens) villa in Castellini, which was down the valley and through the vineyards town away. It's beautiful there.


Kristina Wright said...

What a lovely picture! I'm hoping to take a trip to Italy this year... I may have to pick your brain! :)

Neve Black said...

Hi Kristina,
Oh, please do. I had an amazing time. I love Spain too.

I'm not sure if you were aware that our own Isabel Kerr lives in the Tuscan region of Italy. I don't know where you live, but her view is a lot better than my view in Cleveland. :-)

Kristina Wright said...

I'm in Virginia, Neve. My view of Italy is pretty dim. :) (Hubby wants to go to Venice, I'm fascinated with the Tuscan region and Cinque Terre.)

Neve Black said...

Hi again,
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when visiting the Cinque Terre. It's sooooo beautiful! I would spend at least 2-3 days there.

Also, Alba, the island where Napolean was exiled is another must see. He governed this gorgous island that sits in the middle of the Med. Sea. Poor baby.

Venice was like a trip to Disneyland for me. It just didn't seem real. I did drink a Campari cocktail at a very fancy restaurant on the grand canal.

Let me know when you go and I'll try and help anyway I can. I'd also check in with Isabel.