Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pentagrams & Palindromes

Early this morning while Jeremy was thinking about palindromes, I was reading Craig Sorensen's comments and his five star review of Sex through the Zodiac on Ravenous Romance's website.

How fabulous was that to drink coffee with this morning?

A little later today, I was grounded on my muted green Yoga mat. As always, the instructor asked each of us in class to be mindful of our practice during the session.

Today, I dedicated my one hour practice to all of you. You know who you are, my multi-talented, writer's of erotica, blogosphere friends. I wanted to dedicate the energy as a way of saying thank you for your constant support; your uplifting messages and well, for just being you. My writing life just wouldn't be the same without each of you in it. Namaste.

Neve Black


Emerald said...

Wow, what a beautiful compliment (to dedicate your practice as such). Not to presume that I was necessarily included, lol ;) , but even if not the very idea seems loving and grounded and thus beneficial to the Universe at large. Thank you Neve!!

Jeremy Edwards said...

Neve à Yoga? A Goya, even!

Okay, okay, I'll get off the palindrome horse.

Thank you for the sweet shout-out and lovely eroticland dedications!

Neve Black said...

Of course you were included. That message and my thoughts encompassed all my very, talented friends. I thank each of you.

Neve Black said...

Luv you, Jeremy. :-)

Erobintica said...

That's so nice, Neve. Today I was having some of my "doubt" moments - so I appreciate the thought even if it wasn't directed at any of us in particular. I haven't done yoga in days - maybe that's what's up with me (or down, hahaha).

Marina said...

Ah, Neve - how sweet! Thanks! I love the feeling of good vibes wafting through cyberspace!

Neve Black said...

The good vibrations were sent out like multi-layers of orgasms. Ooooooh. Oooooh. Ooooh. Ooooh.


Neve Black said...

Hi Marina,
You're soooo welcome. And thank you. :-)